Knitting Group

Our knitting group began knitting from St. Andrew’s Methodist Church in Cardiff in the Autumn of 2008. Since then we have grown slowly in numbers and ability and produced an incredible body of work for charity.


Viruses knitted for ‘Glasgow City of Science’

We have accepted many new challenges over the years. Our strangest was to knit viruses for ‘Glasgow City of Science’ to help with their hygiene project for schools. We sent them nine salmonella and one common cold bug.

Romania received several bags containing mainly hats and scarves that we had knitted. Adult hats have gone to the Cardiff homeless, and blankets have been made from donated squares.


Teddies for Lincolnshire Police

We have sent the Lincolnshire Police 23 knitted teddies that they can give to children caught up in traffic accidents.

Baby Clothes

Baby clothes to be sent to Uganda

Baby hats are a great favourite to knit and we have sent 87 to Uganda, via Radyr church and its links with the charity ‘Pont’. Also included in this delivery were 42 vests and matinee jackets along with five blankets and a few bootees. Who knows what other requests will be made of us?

You can see that we have projects for all interests and abilities. Some people like to knit lots of different articles, some like to knit squares for blankets, some folk knit regularly, some when they have the time. Some send us in work they’ve done at home, or send us wool to support us. If you would like to be part of our group a warm welcome awaits you.

For further information please speak to Jackie Phillips or email us: