Our meetings are friendly and informal. Anybody can come along, regularly or whenever they can make it. You don’t need to know a lot about the Bible, but should be willing to learn, share in friendly discussion and to accept that we can all have different views while exploring Christianity.
Generally we work through a section of the Bible or follow a course based on a theme, e.g we looked at the Lord’s Prayer as our Lentern Study one year. Normally one person leads each meeting, but we all express our own views and talk about our own experiences. From time to time the group plan and take part in other activities such as Church Services.
We follow a standard pattern of the 4 W’s:- Welcome, Word, Worship and Witness.
By reading and discussing the Bible together, we aim to:
Get to know each other better and offer support and encouragement to each other.
Get a better understanding of the message and mission of Jesus Christ, our relationship with God and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Learn to live our lives as Christ wants us to.
Help each other to pass knowledge and love of the gospel to others, both in the Church and wider world.
We have groups meeting at the various days and times, some are weekly, some fortnightly. Please see the weekly notices, or email the website for further information and locations: cell@standrewsmethodistchurch.co.uk